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    PKF Studios - Dead Fuck Toy

    Clip Description

    "Dead Fuck Toy"
    Staring Meadow & Elizabeth

    Meadow was ********* & left sprawled out in her home. Elizabeth in coming to see what her friend is doing. She aint doin much..... She's dead!!! Elizabeth see's this as a golden opportunity to finally get some hot lezbo action off her friend. She gets off & takes off. Meadow is but a DEAD FUCK TOY...

    Fetish Elements: Nudity, Postmortem, Masturbation, Body Flopping/Moving, Fondling, Foot Views, Biting, licking, Body Views,

    Note: Actresses are over 18 at the time of filming and the word "teen", "teenage", "young girl" is only meant to imply legal age characters regardless of audience interpretation.
    PKF Studios adheres to USC 2257 record keeping requirements.
    NEW: 720X480 HQ WMV Format

    Clip Duration:      13 minutes
    Format Size
    wmv108.76 MB

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    PKF Studios - Dead Fuck Toy

    PKF Studios - Dead Fuck Toy

    PKF Studios - Dead Fuck Toy

    PKF Studios - Dead Fuck Toy

    PKF Studios - Dead Fuck Toy

    PKF Studios - Dead Fuck Toy
    Customers who bought this Video also purchased:

    SheRa and Supergirls Training - There is a crook causing all types of mayhem, and Batman, Robyn and Supergirl are having trouble capturing him. The four of them fight, but the heros just can't get him down, then She-Ra comes to help, and is doing well fighting the villain when Supergirl rushes at him in a jealous rage and pushes She-Ra aside, She-Ra gets up and her and Supergirl start wrestling each other, trying to be the better heroine and take down the bad guy, but the crook just slams them against the wall knocking them out, he then takes care of everyone else and turns his wicked eyes toward the sexy Robyn, he grabs her by the head and forces her suck his cock, she tells him she can't, but he makes her, he lays her down to fuck her, and she still says she can't but he fucks her anyway and she starts to enjoy it, once he has finished with her he knocks her out and moves on to Supergirl who is still knocked out, he strips her and starts to fuck her until he cums all over her body. Batman wakes up and sneaks up behind him and finally gets him, then he goes to wake up the other heroines. She-Ra instantly attacks Supergirl saying that none of this would have happened if she had not gotten in her way. Batman suggests that the two train together, but they won't have it, they decide they need to decide who the better warrior is, so they go back to She-Ras house and start by basic strength tests which quickly turns into fighting, She-Ra suggests a new test, the first to cum is the weaker warrior, so they start making out and stripping each other, and then they start eating each others pussies. Both determined to win they lick the others pussy with a vengeance, but She-Ra ends up wing, bringing Supergirl to a super-orgasm, to celebrate, She-Ra straps on a dildo and fucks Supergirl, then orders her to fuck her, bringing her to a massive orgasm. They then lay down together kissing, planning their next test of strength, but the crook has escaped and is ready for revenge, the heroines try to fight him but are to weak after their orgasms, so he knocks She-Ra out and strangles Supergirl then strangles She-Ra and then leaves the two dead heroines on the bed.

    Veronicas Bad Day - "VERONICAS BAD DAY"

Starring Veronica Radkey & Brad Remington

A young woman is poking around where she shouldn't  She is attacked by a crazed person from the hills in search of a camera with some photos of a dead girl  

Fetish Elements:   (SC)  INTENSE STRANGLING, Stripping, Attack, Death Stare, Body Views.

A Custom Production

    Teenage Overdose 4 - Teenage Overdose 4
Time: 38:50 minutes
Starring: Logan 
This video features: poison crimescene morgue teen postmortem_sex necro_bj	

Like many tragic stories, this one starts out with a dead girl. Logan Bradshaw of 2234 Mapleleaf Way in Brightshaw. She was 19, recent graduate and youngest daughter of Denise and Jack. They found her like this. Cold. Nude. Dead.
The coroner made quick work as the police waited outside with the transport drivers. It did not take long. The cursory check for vitals. None of course. He took photos of her in her undisturbed state, then started checking her. She was already starting to go into rigger, but by the time the medical examiner got to her in the AM, she would be limber again.

He did not always enjoy his job. But some times, as in this case, the victim was particularly attractive. It certainly made things easier. He continued to check her, disturbing her body to do so. As he bagged her clothes, he thought about a series of OD cases a couple of years ago. All the victims died of an MDMA overdose while masturbating. He was not sure, but it certainly looked like the case. After checking her vagina, he was pretty sure she had sex recently. Later, he would ask her parents about a possible boyfriend. He bagged her and waited for the transport guys.

At the morgue, the medical examiner was about to start when he was informed that the boyfriend was their to ID the body. He was close with the family and was ID'ing her on their behalf. It was simple procedure, but he wanted to see her one last time.

As the boyfriend looked at Logan, he remembered their last moment together. They here messing around on her bed. She gave him a special treat. A blowjob. It was the first. Then, right after, they had gone all the way. But, then the coach called. He had to go, but she was mad he could tell.

He looked down at her cold body. He had to leave.

The examiner continued, looking her over, checking for any other marks. There were none. ***** had pooled to one side and there was other bruising, but otherwise she was clean. They would have to wait for the toxicology to see what killed her. He covered her back up.

When her boyfriend cut there sex session short, she was angry. It was their first and supposed to be special. But, he mad it up to her instantly by giving her the pills. She new what they were and was anxious to try them. She was always a good girl--she wanted to be bad for a night.

So, he left, making her promise not to take them, but she was stubborn and wanted to. Just one.

After a while, she felt the effect and she felt good. She started masturbating, letting her fingers glide deep into her tight teenage pussy. She was so wet. Feeling good and wanting more of that feeling, she took the other pill and kept going--stripping off all her clothes. But, something was happening. She was getting hot--not in a good way. She suddenly went into spasms. She was shaking all over the bed. Then, foam started pouring out of her mouth and her eyes turned up. She was shaking and twitching, then, her life was gone. She relaxed--mouth open, eyes staring blankly. She was dead.

He had snuck back into the morgue early the next morning. No one was around. He found her and uncovered her body. She was so cold, but he loved her so much. He felt her body all over and as he did, he was turned on. He kissed her several times, then pulled out his hard cock and let it slide into her open mouth. He slid it in and out, feeling so hard, he wanted more. He pulled her to the end of the table, then slide his throbbing cock into her dead teenage pussy. He fucked his dead young girlfriend until he blew his load deep inside her. As he backed away his jizz oozed out.

He was a little confused by what just happened. He still felt so much for her, but he knew this would be the last time. He gave her a kiss and covered her up. Never to see his lover again.

    The Beautiful Die Young - Starring Alison Faye and Rock

Alison Faye has died, she is in the morgue, ready to be examined by the morgue tech.

He starts by relieving her rigor, in the arms, hands, legs and neck, then starts stripping her.

He puts a toe tag on, and swabs the mouth and pussy, all the while taking pictures. He takes finger prints, and scrapes the fingernails then combs the hair.

With the examination finished, the morgue tech brings her to the embalming room and prepares her for the embalming.

He puts cotton swabs in her mouth and pussy.

Afterward, he prepares the body for the funeral. He applies glue to her mouth, then starts to make up the face.

He then starts dressing the body, first with panties then with a dress and high heeled shoes, then leaves her for the funeral. 

Fetish Elements:   (SC) Postmortem Exam, Body Play, Morgue, Body Moving, Relieving Rigor, Flopping, Mouth Swabbing, Pussy Swabbing, Fingernail Scraping, Stripping, Combing, Funeral Prep, Dressing, High Heels, Body Views.

Note: Actresses are over 18 at the time of filming and the word "teen", "teenage", "young girl" is only meant to imply legal age characters regardless of audience interpretation. 

PKF Studios adheres to USC 2257 record keeping requirements.

This movie presented in High Definition
1280X720 HD MP4 Format

    Strangling The Shit Out Of 2 Bitches - "Strangling The Shit Out Of 2 Bitches"  
Starring Meadow, Elizabeth & Dave

Note: 6 minutes of pure strangling hotness!!!

2 bitches are talking about how 1 of them had just got a restraining order on her ex boyfriend. Dave just wanted a 3 way, now he has the cops on his ass. He decides that strangling the shit out of his ex is going to make him feel a lot better. Bonus!!! Her bitchy girlfriend is there also. He smacks the bitch so hard it knocks her out. That leaves Dave plenty of time to strangle the shit out of his ex. When Dave is done with the ex, He strangles the shit out of the friend.

Fetish Elements:    Nudity,  Long strangling, Body Views, Limb Play, Necro Stripping, Jeans 

Note: Actresses are over 18 at the time of filming and the word "teen", "teenage", "young girl" is only meant to imply legal age characters regardless of audience interpretation. 
PKF Studios adheres to USC 2257 record keeping requirements.

    Morgue The End Of Penny Pax - Starring Penny Pax and Willow

Penny Pax has died and is zipped up in a body bag in the morgue.

The morgue techs, Alexander and Willow, come in and notice that the rigor has caused the body to sit upright. They unzip the bag and break the rigor, then lay her back down. After breaking rigor, they start to strip her of her clothes, cutting her skirt and panties off.

They start to do their examination, taking pictures, they swab the pussy and examine the mouth and tongue. They scrape her fingernails and take fingerprints and comb her hair.

They roll her over on her back and examine her backside, they take her anal temperature then measure the body.

They flip her over again and examine her breasts, then Alexander sends Willow home so he can prepare the body for for autopsy.

After the autopsy, Alexander cleans the body off and inserts cotton into her ass, pussy and mouth for embalming.

Later, Willow prepares the body for the funeral, dressing her up in a bra and panties, with a dress. She applies make up, then once the body is finished, she leaves it

Fetish Elements:   (SC) Postmortem Exam, Temperature Taking, Body Play, Morgue, Body Moving, Relieving Rigor, Flopping, Mouth Swabbing, Fingernail Scraping, Dressing, Funeral Prep, Body Views.

Note: Actresses are over 18 at the time of filming and the word "teen", "teenage", "young girl" is only meant to imply legal age characters regardless of audience interpretation. 

PKF Studios adheres to USC 2257 record keeping requirements.

This movie presented in High Definition
1280X720 HD MP4 Format

    Teenage Overdose 5 - "Teenage Overdose 5"
Starring Monicka
NOTE:  This is the 5th in this great series.  Monicka play an excellent teenage girl and ultimately a great corpse.  
Monicka and her boyfriend were studying.  He wanted to do more then study and soon they were fucking like horny teenagers.

But, before he finished he has to leave, but gave her some xtacy to take before the party she was supposed to go to later.

But, she was still horny, took the x and started to play with herself.  Before long, she was in spasms, foaming at the mouth, then dead.

Later, the coroner investigates the scene and bags her up.

At the morgue, the boyfriend identified the body, then the medical examiner gives her a thorough exam.  She checks her from head to toe.  Rolls her, sits her up, checks her face, plays with her hair---it's a nice, long examination.

Late that night, the boyfriend breaks into the morgue to spend one last time with his girlfriend.  He slowly touches her all over, feeling her cool, smooth body.

His feelings of lust are strong for her and using her lifeless hand, he gets himself hard.  Not being able to resist, he slips his cock into her cool agape mouth.  He slowly fucks her mouth for a while before climbing on top of the morgue table and making love to her.

He then slides her to the end of the table for a better position and fucks her seep and hard until coming inside her cold, tight, teenage pussy.  He said his goodbyes, zips her back up in the body bag, then leaves.

Contains: Violence, Teenager/Youth,  Nudity, Explicit Sexual Content, BJ, Sex, Overdose, Crime Scene, Medical Exam, Postmortem, Necro HJ, Necro BJ, Necro Sex, Body Views.
Note:  Actresses are over 18 at the time of filming and the word "teen", "teenage", "young girl" is only meant to imply legal age characters regardless of audience interpretation.

PKF Studios adheres to USC 2257 record keeping requirements.
This movie filmed and presented in High Definition
1280X720 HD WMV Format

    My Sisters Big Mouth - "My Sister's Big Mouth" 
Starring Veronica Radke
Directed By Alex Dorian
Edited By John Marshall

 After his sister gives him a great blowjob, he catches her planning to tell on him.  So, he decides to help her keep her big mouth shut.

He sneaks up behind her, wraps a garrote around her neck and strangles her.  She thrashes about until she weakens an dies.

He takes a moment to untie her bikini as she floats dead in the water, then leaves her.

Contains:  Nudity, Incest, Teen/Young, Explicit Sexual Content, Consensual Incestuous BJ, Garrote Strangling (starts at 12:20), Underwater Shots, Body Views.

Note: Actresses are over 18 at the time of filming and the word "teen", "teenage", "young girl" is only meant to imply legal age characters regardless of audience interpretation. 
PKF Studios adheres to USC 2257 record keeping requirements.
  This movie presented in High Definition
1280X720 HD WMV Format

    Morgue Date - "Morgue Date"
Starring Houston and Summer

A couple enters the morgue.  The doctor is getting ready to bang another medical student.  Suddenly they realize there is a corpse on the table.  They open up the body back to find a pretty young woman.

The girl is taken by the corpse and wants to mess around with her.

What follows is a long, sexual pornocopia as the doctor plays with both girls.  He fingers the live girl as the she sucks the dead girls tits.  Then he is fucking the dead girl.  Soon the live girl is so hot that he is fucking her until she cums.

Later, she decided what he did is disgusting and tries to blackmail him.  He responds by slicking her jugular with a scalpel, killing her.  Then he ends by fucking her newly dead body.

Fetish Elements:  Violence, Nudity, Sexual Content, Fingering, Rubbing, Sim Sex, Necro, Body Views, Stabbing, Blood, Foot Views.

Note:  Actresses are over 18 at the time of filming and the word "teen", "teenage", "young girl" is only meant to imply legal age characters regardless of audience interpretation.

PKF Studios adheres to USC 2257 record keeping requirements.

This movie filmed and presented in 
720X480 WMV Format

    Dead Fuck Toy 2 - "Dead Fuck Toy 2"  
Staring  Ella & Missy

Ella & Missy have been BFF's since they met in kindergarden. Currently they are roomies at collage. They have a nice lil house paid for by Missy dead faters estate.

On this day, Missy come's home to find her life long friend dead. ********* for no apparent reason Missy know's that this moment is the last time she will ever see her BFF, ever....

Missy pushes back the tears & makes sweet lezbo love to her dearest  Ella. Then kisses her goodbye for the last time........

Fetish Elements: (HC)   Nudity, Lezbo Necro, Postmortem Masturbation, Limb Flopping, Fondling, Foot Views, ,Pussy licking, Body Views,  

Note: Actresses are over 18 at the time of filming and the word "teen", "teenage", "young girl" is only meant to imply legal age characters regardless of audience interpretation. 
PKF Studios adheres to USC 2257 record keeping requirements.

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